Order Molokhia (Jute Mallow) Online At MyJam

Molokhia (Jute Mallow), scientifically known as Corchorus olitorius, is a nutrient-rich, green leafy vegetable that has been consumed for centuries in various parts of the world. This unique and versatile plant is revered for its numerous health benefits and diverse culinary applications. At MyJam - the UK’s largest online cultural grocery store -  you can choose from a wide range of Molokhia products from minced and  dried Molokhia to frozen Molokhia leaves and more.

A Brief History of Molokhia (Jute Mallow)

Molokhia's roots trace back to ancient Egypt, where it was grown along the banks of the Nile River and consumed by pharaohs and commoners alike. This vegetable has since spread across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, where it's enjoyed as a staple food in many regional cuisines. In countries like Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria, Molokhia is still widely consumed in the form of a traditional stew or soup.

Cooking with Molokhia (Jute Mallow)

Molokhia's unique texture and mild flavour make it a versatile ingredient in various dishes. Here are some popular ways to enjoy Molokhia:

  • Molokhia Stew: A traditional Middle Eastern dish, this stew is made by cooking Molokhia leaves with garlic, coriander, and broth, often served over rice or with flatbread.
  • Stir-fry: Sauté Molokhia leaves with your favourite vegetables, protein, and seasonings for a quick and nutritious meal.
  • Soup: Add chopped Molokhia to your favourite soup recipe for an extra boost of nutrients and flavour.
  • Salad: Use raw or blanched Molokhia leaves as a base for salads, paired with a zesty dressing and your preferred salad

Molokhia is a versatile and nutritious plant enjoyed worldwide for its delicious flavour. Add it to your cooking for a unique and healthy element in your meals.

If you are looking for more Middle Eastern foods check out our Middle Eastern collection, where you'll find a wide range of middle eastern groceries from spices, bread, desserts,  pre prepared meals and more tp get the authentic falvours of the middle east.